
A printed catalog is still very much a part of our industry and something many distributors still want. A recent PPB magazine survey showed that printed catalogs are the 3rd most important sales tool for distributors! The #1 most important tool was a random sample and #2 was a virtual sample.

Maybe surprising, but printed catalogs are far
from being obsolete.

Design, Print and Fulfillment...

Want to eliminate ALL the work and never touch your catalog?  We have the answer!
We can design your catalog, from a “facelift” to a complete re-do, then print it, stock it in our warehouse and do fulfillment throughout the year for you.  Simply send your catalog requests to us…any quantity from one on up, and we will ship them within 48 hours.  You will be invoiced monthly with a list of the fulfillments. 

It’s the easiest way to handle your catalog….because you don’t have to handle it!